Atieh Khatibi is a dedicated researcher and academic specializing in environmental law specifically climate law, environmental science, human rights, and peacebuilding. She is a PhD candidate in Law at the University of Graz, Austria, where she also serves as a Researcher at the Research Center for Climate Law (ClimLaw: Graz) in the field of Climate change and human rights. having advanced degrees in environmental law and natural resources engineering from esteemed universities in Iran, Atieh has considerable skills in legal and political analysis, using technical frameworks, and decision-making models. Also, she has skills in mediation and facilitation in an environmental context as she is a fellow at the International Mediation Campus in Germany. Her professional experience includes significant roles with international organizations such as UDP and adelphi, where she has contributed to numerous climate-related projects. In addition to international projects, she has an experience of more than 3 years in the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) project in Iran, focusing on strategic management and planning.
Throughout her career, Atieh has demonstrated strong leadership and collaboration skills, evident in her roles as the Environmental Law Thematic Facilitator for the Children and Youth Major Group to UNEP, World Bank Group Climate Change Ambassador 2021, ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen) Cross Culture Program 2019 fellow, member of UNFCCC YOUNGO Youth Constituency, Institution for Public Law Studies of University of Tehran and Iranian Association for United nation Studies in Iran. Her research areas include Climate change law, human rights, climate change and women, climate policy, climate security, mediation, and peacebuilding. Through her project and publications, her focus has been on international and national climate legal and political assessment, particularly in the MENA region in the context of human rights protection.
faranak shahraki
عطیه یکی از بهترین و مهربون ترین آدمای دنیاست که سعی میکنه بهترین ورژن خودش رو برای کمک به دیگران ارائه بده و اونارو راهنمایی کنه. کاری که دقیقا برای من کرد. هم چنین ایشون خیلی خونگرم و محترمانه برخورد میکنند که این ویژگی سبب شد ارتباط بین ما تسهیل بشه و راحت تر شکل بگیره. از دیگر ویژگی های خوبشون اینه که سعی میکنند با فکت ها راهنمایی کنند که این بسیار حائز اهمیت هست ، چرا که به نتایج واقعی تری دست پیدا میکنیم.واقعا افرین و ممنون از لگا مارت که این ایده رو پیاده کرد.